Saturday, February 12, 2011


Last weekend my blog received it's 15,000th visitor so I decided to do a giveaway to celebrate.

Since Monday is Valentine's Day, I'm giving away my heart (s).

I'm going to give away two sets of heart jewelry and some extra hearts.

All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog by this posting and tell me what you would really like for Valentine's Day.  Funny or not, I would love to know.

Next Sunday (the 20th) morning I'm going to have my sweetheart pick a number or name from the list of people who leave comments and I'll post the winners. You can leave as many posts as you want.  I'll put your name in the drawing as many times as you leave posts.

Here is the first giveaway:
The necklace and earrings were done with pearl clay on black clay using the Sutton Slice technique.  The earrings are on sterling silver ear wires and the necklace is on a slightly antiqued type of metal with my favorite toggle.  The other two hearts have no attachments so you can make what ever you want out of them.  If you click on the picture you can see them all closer.

This will be the gift for the second name drawn.  The heart is about 2 inches long and is hanging on a gold plated chain with my favorite toggle.  The small red and silver heart on the top has a bail on it and it was done using the Tina Holden Batik Shimmer method.  The other heart is silver and has a slight touch of rose to it.  It does not have a bail or any attachments.  All items in this give away have been done with Magic Glos and that's why they are so shiny.

Will be looking forward to all your comments and responses.  Thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to comment and I wish you all could win.



  1. Happy Valentines! They are all so beautiful!

    Since Valentines falls on a Monday this year we are planning to celebrate tomorrow.

  2. That chain in the top pic is gorgeous Bonnie!

    Ok, for Valentines I would love some really wonderful Belgian chocolate truffles =)

  3. Lovely hearts!

    I would love to spend some time with my husband on Valentines day, preferably out in a nice restaurant. Haven't got a baby sitter so will have to have a special meal in instead.

  4. I don't do Valentines day as I'm on my own (bring out the violins, all say aaaaah) but I love hearts!

  5. That's one of my favorite clasps as well! Everything is so pretty!

    For Valentine's Day I would like my "beader's block" to go away! LOL! And a glass of champagne wouldn't hurt! ^.^

  6. Hope everyone who posted has a wonderful Valentine's Day. Would love to win any of your beautiful creations.

  7. Love those hearts. I know they were made with love
    I would like some marshmallow Peeps. I know they make them for Easter but I did see some heart ones for velentines day I have a request in to my hubby.

  8. 15,000 visitors - that's a lot! i'm the 15,001 visitor. I love polymer clay - have purchased some pendants from Desert Rubble which i love. I do glass lampwork and make jewelry, which i'm addicted to. The hearts are wonderful. What i would like for Valentine's Day is a big warm hug! Joyce

  9. Beautiful! I love the 2nd set, with gold.

    For V-day (or as I'm celebrating Singles Awareness Day) or for any day actually, I would like time with my son. I didn't get it for V-day, not even a phone call, but hopefully soon I will.

    You do amazing work!

  10. I would love to have my extended family together back at the original homestead. We haven`t been together for 20+ years and I miss them terribly.

  11. Valentine's Day is usually a sad day for me. My wish would be to spend one more day with my best friend, my husband Mike. He passed away from ALS. I miss him every day. Hold on to those you love, tell them how much they mean to you and never forget how lucky you are to have them in your life.

  12. I would love to win any of your beautiful creations :) thank you and have a blessed day!

  13. I would love to go to Hawaii and that is the truth! Your work is lovely.

  14. Beautiful! I had to work on Valentine's day, so we celebrated early.

  15. Your hearts are absolutely lovely. And very nice that you can change them out to match your outfit! Awesome.

  16. Both set are absolutely stunning...
