Monday, February 14, 2011



Last night my great nephew Brady and his mom went to a Valentine's Day Dance at the Children's Museum in downtown Tampa.  Brady got cornered by a little girl named Olive and a news photographer took this picture of them dancing.
Olive looks like she is trying to put her hand in Brady's armpit.  LOL  He likes cats and dogs and golf so I don't think his mom has to worry too much.


Since we took all those Christi Freisen classes down in Tucson, my friends and I have been collecting watch parts and gears and any fun stuff we can put in clay.  Judy came over today wearing this little guy.

She thinks his trunk is too fat from eating too many peanuts but I think he's adorable.  I forgot to ask if the screw in the front of his eyes was giving him a headache or holding his brains in.

Christi made us an elephant in 5 minutes.  We brought it home and baked it and it is now being put in a protective case.  I'll take a picture and post it when it's done.


I finally finished my 17 pieces for our clay guilds pendant swap.  I was going to wire wrap all of them but some have lady bugs and I didn't want to cover the lady bug so I beaded a bail in those.  I'll post pictures of all the ones I get back next Saturday.

You can see them better if you click on the picture.  I wish I would of had my new Premo pearl clays and the new Pearlex powders that I bought down in Tucson.  The colors are gorgeous.  Christi had them and I couldn't resist but we did put an order in with Boston Craft Works for more of the new clay.  The new pearls are really pretty and I love the granite colors.  I actually love all of them.

15,000 GIVE AWAY

Don't forget to go to my previous blog post and leave me a message so you can win one of two prizes that are shown there.

For Valentine's Day I got a beautiful card, Twizzler Licorice and some money to take my sweetheart to the casino.  He buys beautiful cards, awwwwwwwwww.

Hope you had a chocolatey Day.


  1. Love your pendants, Bonnie...can't wait to get one...especially a ladybug one! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. What a handsome elephant he is, too!

    Uh oh, you have pearl ex powders, surely you are aware these are addicting, right? They're wonderful, you won't regret the buy!!
