Saturday, April 14, 2012


There were no winners in the Guess Which Earring They Chose contest.

But, I am surprised.

They chose:

Number 3

Since I only had two guesses and one was anonymous (who are you), I'm going to have a special pair of earrings for Lupe Meter.

Check out her blog with the Breast Cancer (let's wipe that nasty disease out) necklaces she made.

Today I had breakfast with my 3 friends from high school who live here in Arizona.  We sure are more fun now than we were in high school.  At least we laugh a lot more.  I love those girls they are so much fun.  I'm really glad we were able to get together and talk bad about some of our classmates.  LOL

I have an order for 6 American Flag bracelets.  I finished one and was putting a clasp on it that I just bought and the clasp broke.  For many years when I bead, I add an extra thread on each end just in case something like that happens or if you have to shorten or lengthen the clasp, you don't have to tear the bracelet apart.

I'm doing a couple in Delicas and my eyes are starting to cross.  For those of you who don't know what Delica beads are, they are teeny-tiny perfectly cut beads but very very small especially for my old eyes.  I'll post a picture of the bracelet when I'm done.


Today I was doing laundry and when I went to get the basket, guess who was doing Pilate's in the laundry basket.  And you wonder why I have black and white hair on my clothes????

Wish I could do that.


Anonymous said...

We did have a great time this morning. Where did the time go since St Joes. So glad we can enjoy each others company now.

Beadcomber said...

I wish I could do what Buster is back hurts just thinking about that, lol. I like #3 too. made a lot of earrings!! I've lost count...but for one button order I made 186 starfish...I have no nails left either, haha

Melobeau said...

Especially like your American flag bracelet. So delicate and intricate.
Your earrings are legendary and I'm in awe! It's no wonder they have so many fans.